Sunday, 14 July 2013

Welcome to the Month of Holy Ramadan

For 1.6 billion Muslim people, the holiest month of the year began this week.

The exact starting date depended on the locale, but most Muslims across the globe will be fasting, praying and abstaining from sex and smoking during daylight hours. Many call it a time of spiritual purity and rededication to Almighty Allah.

Here's everything you need to know about the observance.Ramadan is the name of the ninth month in the Hijri, or Islamic calendar. The word derives from the Arabic ramida or ar-ramad meaning a fierce, burning heat.

Ramadan is the most sacred month in the Muslim year, commemorating the revelation of the Holy Quran - the sacred religious text of Islam - by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Mohammed, according to Islamic tradition.

The main obligation of the festival is the Sawm, or fast. Believers are expected to refrain from eating and drinking from dawn (fajr) until dusk (maghrib) for the entire month, a discipline that is thought to burn away all sins (hence the origin of the word 'ramadan'). The Sawm is considered one of the five "pillars," or foundations of Islam, the others being the Shahadah (profession of faith), Salat (praying five times daily), Zakat (charity) and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).

Ramadan begins with the sighting of the new moon. Because it is calculated according to a lunar rather than a fixed calendar, its precise dates change from year to year, and it can begin at different times in different parts of the world. According to the Islamic Society of North America, Ramadan started this year on July 9 and ends on August 8.

Ramadan officially ends on the first day of the month of Shawwal. This heralds a three-day celebration called Eid al-Fitr, or the "Festival of Breaking Fast", a joyous occasion during which believers attend mosques, give gifts, visit friends and family and decorate their homes.

Ramadan: Rules of Fasting


1) Eating or drinking breaks the sawn.

2) Sexual intercourse even if there is no emergence of semen.

3) Smoking

4) Inhaling smoke by one's own action.  E.g. inhaling the smoke of incense, etc.

5) Application of medication into the anus.

6) Swallowing any substance or object which is not normally, consumed as food or medicine, e.g. pebbles, paper, a com, etc.

7) Pouring oil into the ear.

8)Saliva mingled with blood will break- the fast if the taste of blood is discernible when swallowing.

9) Eating deliberately after having eaten mistakenly. (Eating mistake does not break the fast).

10) Water slipping down the throat while making wudhu even if not done deliberately.

11) Deliberately inducing oneself to vomit will break- the fast if the vomit is a mouthful.  If the emergence of vomit cannot be
restrained, the vomit will be said to be a mouthful.  Vomiting less than a mouthful will not break the fast even if it is deliberately induced

12) A food particle the size of a chana (about the size of a half a pea), becoming unstuck from the teeth and slipping down the throat.

13) Applying drops of medicine into the nostrils.

14) Masturbation. In addition to it nullifying the saum.  It is an immoral and a sinful act. The perpetrator has been cursed by Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).

15) Medical test undertaken by women in which any instrument, etc.  Is internally inserted.

16) Ejaculation as a result of caressing and fondling the wife even if there was no sexual intercourse.


1) Eating, drinking or indulging in sexual relation forgetfully.  This means that at the time of committing act.  One does not remember the fast.  However, if one continues even momentarily after recalling the fast, the Saum will be nullified.

2) Applying eye drops.

3) Water entering the ear.

4) Vomiting, no matter how much.  This refers to vomiting which is not self-induced.  For the rule regarding self-induced vomiting, (see above no.  11)

5) Smoke, which is inhaled unintentionally, not by one's volition or conscious action.

6) Applying Surmah into the eye.

7) Smelling anything fragrant providing that there are no vapors.

8) A food particle less than the size of a chana becoming unstuck from the teeth.

9) Swallowing saliva and slime.

10) Injection.  The injection of medicine into the body will not break the fast providing that the medicine does not reach the brain or stomach.

11) Blood in the saliva will not break the fast if the blood is less than the saliva.  This fact will be recognized if the taste of the blood is not discerned.

12) Using a miswak to clean the teeth even if the miswak is fresh and has a taste.

13) Breast-feeding the baby.

14) If during wudhu water slips down the throat while on does not remember the saum, the fast will not break.

15) Ejaculation of semen during sleep.

16) Ejaculation caused by imagination.

17) Janabat or the state of Hadath-e-Akbar which is purified by ghusl. If one has not taken ghusl and Sahri time ends, the fast is valid.


Some things, while not breaking the fast are nevertheless Makrooh to do during fasting.  Makrooh means detestable and in this context Makrooh things are sinful.  Makrooh things bring about a decrease in the committing of the Saum.  It is, therefore, essential to abstain from community Makrooh acts.  The following acts are Makrooh during fasting.

1) Tasting.  Tasting food, etc., is Makrooh if done unnecessarily.  If an ill-tempered husband shows his unjustified wrath when food has not been prepared to satisfy his taste, it will be permissible for the wife to taste the food while she is preparing it.  As long as nothing goes down her throat, her fast will be valid and her act of tasting will not be Makrooh.

2) Using powder or paste to clean the teeth.  If anything of these substances slips down the throat the saum is nullified.

3) Caressing, fondling or kissing the wife.  If ejaculation does not occurs, the saum will be valid.

4) To rinse the mouth at time other than when making wudnu.

5) To put water in the nose at time other than when making wudhu.

6) To take ghusl merely for cooling.

7) To swim.

8) To unnecessarily apply ointment to the lips.  If, however, due to pair caused by cracked lips, ointment is applied, care should be taken to prevent licking the ointment.

9) To unnecessarily chew something to soften it, for example.

10) To eat when in doubt as regards the existence of Sahri time.  If later it transpires that Shari time had in fact expires, qadha will be obligatory.

11) To make Iftar (I.e. to break the fast) when in doubt as to the time of sunset.  If it transpires that the time when iftar was made the sun had not yet set.  Quadha will be obligatory.

12) Participating in un-Islamic activities such as watching television and playing games such as chess, draughts, monopoly, etc., The thawa of the Saum is destroyed by indulgence in such unlawful activities.

13) Gheebat or back-biting.

14) To gargle the mouth when making wudhu.

From On Desk

Saturday, 6 July 2013

How to Attract the Girl you adore.

Plenty of guys in the world today are still afraid to chase a girl whom they like. This is not because they are unimpressive in the eyes of women. Guys are usually afraid of pursuing a girl because they are not aware about effective strategies of attracting a girl.  At the outset, one has to know how to attract a girl in the first place. If she gets inclined to you, half of the job will be done.

If you really want to impress a girl, you need to focus on every minute detail of your life.  You have to take care of your physical appearance if you wish to know how to get a girl to like you. Every woman analyzes the qualities of a man from his actions and rate him accordingly. No woman will like a sloppy and untidy individual even if is very rich. Women usually look for men with a high self belief and confidence as they feel that such men can only fulfill all their needs in the long run.

Women usually are fond of men who are usually polite. So, opening a door for a woman or helping a woman to get on the bus can be very effective ways of impressing a girl. Women usually like guys who give them a comfortable feeling. A woman is usually attracted to a guy if she feels that the guy is concerned for her well being.

In order to draw a girl closer a guy should always look to flirt with her casually. Teasing the girl occasionally and making fun of her can boost up your self confidence to proceed. A guy should always try to exhibit his sense of humor within the conversations in order to get the girls attention. Girls are usually fond of guys who have an adorable sense of humor. Making a girl laugh can be quite effective in bringing her closer.
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Women usually notice every minute detail very carefully. So, they have a natural liking for guys who can identify each and every single change. Try to identify the changes and try to appraise them. If a girl wears an attractive outfit it cannot be a coincidence. Always remember that this has been done purposefully to get your attention. So, if you notice the outfit, try to compliment her for the nice outfit. It will certainly get her to like you within a short period of time. Try to appear that you are not interested in a girl. Women usually prefer to get attention and so in such cases they will come hunting for you. Ignoring a woman can be a very effective way of alluring a woman. In such cases women feel very pulsating and tend to chase the guy instead.

By now, you might have understood that attracting a woman is not an inherent talent. It is a skill that can only be mastered with practice. Follow these tips if you want to have the winning ways of attracting a woman easily!

How To say "I Love You"

Although many people use this powerful phrase loosely, there are times when you want to say "I love you" in a meaningful way and not sound awkward or mawkish. Whether you're professing your love to a romantic partner or expressing it to a relative or friend, here are some tips to help you.

Method One: Romantic Love
Define love. The sincerity of the phrase is strengthened by knowing what love is, and what loving someone means to you. Determine the difference between love, infatuation and lust, and make sure it's genuine love that you feel for this person.

Feel it. There will come a point when you know what you feel for your boyfriend or girlfriend had moved from friendship, to like, through infatuation, and into romantic love. When you're sure you've crossed that threshold, that's the time to express your feelings. If you say it because you think you should, or because it's expected—and you're not there yet—it will come across as insincere.

Make eye contact. Making eye contact not only shows sincerity and communicates trust, it's a delight to look into your partner's eyes when you first say "I love you." It will be a moment you will both always remember. Even though there are probably a few inches between your faces, it should feel like there is nothing between yourselves, not even air.

Holding hands as you tell them you love them can also communicate sincerity and trust.
Say it at an appropriate time. Time the statement in a way that will make both you and the recipient most comfortable.

If you're in a private place and there's not much background noise, keep your volume low; don't whisper unless you bring your lips to his or her ear, which can also be a very intimate way to express your love.

If you want to tell your partner how you feel when you're in a public place, it's up to you whether you want to pull the person aside, or say it in front of friends or even strangers. It depends on your loved one's personality, and your own personality. Some will find it terribly romantic to be told they're loved across a room full of people; others may find it mortifying.
Say it without expecting anything in return. It is nerve-wracking to tell someone that you love them if you're going to wait anxiously for their response. If you truly feel it, then say it with no expectations of a response. Your intention can be to tell the person how you feel, with the hope of making them happy and showing them that they are valued. So say what you feel, and if they love you, too, they'll let you know in their own way and in their own time.

Be creative. Say "I love you" in another language. Write it into a poem or even a haiku. If you want to be romantic, spell it out with rose petals on the bedroom floor. Write it in code, like a Vigènere cipher. Say it in little ways, like post-it notes in unexpected places, and express it in every way you can.

Back up your words. Don't just say it, show them that you really do love them. Saying "I love you" without showing it is, in a way, a lie. Express your love in action as well as in words.

Method Two: Familial Love

Tell your family. Sometimes, it gets taken for granted that we love our parents, or our siblings, and though they're really important to us, we simply don't use "those words" in normal conversation. If that's how you were raised, get over it! Whether or not your family is comfortable expressing their love for each other, be the ice breaker and tell them.

You can tell them during an event—a wedding dinner, Thanksgiving, or just a family dinner. Raise a glass and say something like "You're my family, and I love you all."
You can tell them in private, in an unguarded moment. For example, surfing the web for the latest Lolcats hilarity, give your Dad a hug and tell him you love him. It doesn't have to be all gooey and sentimental—just a statement of fact.

Say "I love you, man." Sure, it's a goofy beer commercial tagline, but the idea is right. For some, saying this is a cultural taboo that is hard to overcome—especially for guys. But the fact is, good friends are like the family we choose, and every now and then, it's a good thing to tell the people that matter to you that you love them. This is true whether they're the same sex or not. Just keep in mind that this is not about romance and sex, this is about friendship.

For example, he's been your best friend since high school. He was there when that boy broke your heart, you were there for him when she went off to college in another country and ended the relationship. You've talked about going beyond friendship, but decided that's not how you felt about each other. You've celebrated milestones together, and even though you live in separate states, you keep in touch regularly. Next time you see him, if you haven't already, say something like "Danny, you're such a great friend. I totally love you!" Chances are, Danny feels the same way.

Another example is "the buds." Both of you guys were on the team together, and have always had a friendly rivalry. You've been there for each other through thick and thin. He's your best bud, and you love him like a brother. After celebrating an event, or when thanking him for something he's done, just say it casually: "I love you, bro." Then punch him in the arm if you feel too awkward!

Your BFF is another person to tell. You two have shared secrets, shared crushes, go to parties together, and cry on each other's shoulders. Even when you lived in different countries, you Skype at least once a week, and you'd be lost without her. Just say "I love you sooooooo much, Buttercup," or whatever you like to call each other. She'll say it right back.

Method Three: Unconditional Love

There are no rules. Unconditional love is best exemplified by what we usually feel for our children. There is, perhaps, nothing more wonderful than the love we have for them, especially when they are babies. We expect nothing in return, and delight in just seeing them smile. As they grow, they'll challenge us, make us proud, disappoint us, grow, and make mistakes, but we love them regardless.

Another example of unconditional love is how your dog loves you, engendering the statement, "I strive to be the person my dog thinks I am."

The words "I love you" can lose their meaning in a relationship if not paired with action.

Saying "I love you" in the heat of passion for the first time might not be a good idea, as the person may question the sincerity of your pledge. Follow them up with actions of kindness.

If your interest is not in the other person, but rather in how that person can enhance your experience of life, then it is not love. If you have no intention of improving that person’s life, or allowing that person to be themselves and accepting them as they are, rather than not who you want them to be, then you are not striving to love them.

Love is expressed differently by everyone. Be understanding and look for your partner's ways of expressing it to you; they may not be the same as what you do or what you want him or her to do, but in turn you may not be doing the things he or she wants.

If you already said "I love you" and didn't mean it, and now you think the time is right, say it in a very unforgettable way. They will notice the difference from the first time to the second time.

If love is unrequited, you need to be understanding and be caring towards the feelings of the object of your desire. At least they now know how you feel.

Do not use the words "I love you" to cover up something you did wrong, or to resolve a conflict. Learn to apologize.

Don't overdo it, your loved one can get bored or feel as if it means nothing to you. Say it to your loved one when the time is right.

Make it special. For many people, dropping the "L-word" allows the sentiment to be expressed casually, such as before separating (e.g. "Time to go. Bye! Love you!"). Using the full phrase, however, can be reserved for more intimate moments, especially during a special event, such as when a child is just born, to reassure someone when bad news has been received, or during moments of cherished intimacy, like after a kiss.

When you say I love you for the first time don't say it over text or the phone. It's less personal and meaningful. In addition don't ask "do you love me?".

from desk